about me


My name is Bianca Michels-Frederiks, I live in the south of the Netherlands, together with my husband Mike, our Son Dries, who was born in July 2008 , our son Mats, who was born in March 2010 and our son Rins who was born in March 2016.  Beside being a mum, I groom dogs, especially Retrievers and work in a Petshop.



I can’t remember one day in my life without a dog. Since I was born we had always dogs around in our family. My dad trained policedogs and sometimes there was a litter bred by us. So all my life I’ve been acquainted with taking care of dogs, walk, train, groom and everything that comes with it.
When I was twelve, I start working in kennels and met the Golden Retriever for the first time.
I was immediatly in love with this wonderful breed. I collected everything about the breed like a child does, pictures, informations, statues and all kind of things related to the Golden Retriever.

After a few years I became a member of the Golden Retriever Club in Holland and I forced my little willing for buying a puppy trough with my parents.
They were ok with the idea, but I had to do it all by myself, training the dog and taking all the costs on me. That was easy to do, every penny I made, went to my future plan, a Golden Retriever!
When I want to buy my first dog, my parents had to sign for me, because at that moment I was fourteen and too  young for buying a puppy on my own at the club.
In 1992 I bought my first puppy at the Golden Retriever Club in the Netherlands.
Her name was Lesley van Bergenshuizen (Ch.Chevanne of High Endeavour x Whisper) she was a very open and happy dog! By that time my mother became ill, she got so much love from her, she wished we had a Golden Retriever many years before!
My dad stopped training policedogs and Lesley was our only dog. When Lesley was one year old, my mother died much to early and as you can imagine, Lesley meant the world to me!

I decided to get a kennelname and after a few years waiting, again because I was too young,
pre-affix Gaia Atalantè was born!

I went to obedience and aguility with Lesley and she made it with great enthusiasm trough the course!
I also visited some shows with her. In her youngher years she gained many very goods, because she wasn’t mature enough. After a few years she got many excellents and even some placements in her classes!! People were always talking about the little blond girl with the funny dog…

In the mean time I’ve got my schoolcertificate at the Groenhorst College in Barneveld for animalmanagement and veterinarysupport. At school I was known as the Golden Girl…
I am grateful to all these people who gave me the oppertunity to learn so much about animals, particular about dogs! Some of them became close friends and I thank them for there honesty and trust in me!!

I decided to mate Lesley, after checking her health results offcourse, to Ch.Whispering Glenrose’s Noisy Bimbo (Ch.Standfast Angus x Whispering Glenrose’s Princess Kimberley) She gave birth to eight lovely puppies and I kept one of them. Gaia Atalantè Genesis Genetic Star, called Ginger.
That year I started my own grooming salon, named ‘Hondenkapsalon Ginley’.

From then on, my showcarreer went many steps forwards, because Ginger was a lovely bitch. At her very first show, the Golden Retriever Championship Clubshow, she became best puppy! She also went Bundesjugensiegerin 1997, with a Junior CC. She gained many excellents, placements and winnings during her carreer.  Because of her, I wasn’t that little girl with the funny dog anymore…  In 2006 she was Best Veteran in Show at the biggest Open show in Holland! Sadly she just hates showing, so being BIS was a marvellous end of her showcarreer at the age of ten!
On the other hand she loved working, and so she got her hunting certificate and was best dog of her group and second best dog of the day! As you will understand I was very proud at her!!

In 2000 I mated Lesley for the second and last time with Pauclare Pure Sensation, called Tom (Ch.Paudell Eastern Plantagenet at Kerrien X Sansue Bobbysox at Pauclare). She gave birth to three lovely boys, so I decided not to keep one, because at that time I wanted a bitch to breed further with. That year Ginger also got puppies from Ch.Chardine Love Bug (Ch.Sansue Golden Ruler X Okus Carousel at Chardine). I didn’t kept one at that time, now I regret it for life!!
Ginger got an accident and I decided not to mate her again, a difficult decision, because she was such a wonderful dog! But her life and future health went before everything!

At 14th April 2002 Lesley died very sudden from cancer. Much too early, because she was just ten years old and so full of live till the last day on! I was quite upset for a long time, because she was my best friend and strong shoulder for so long. There is no day going by we don’t talk about her, she had such a personality!!

During the years I’ve got my KK1 certificate and did a course about dogs first aid.

After a few years I decided it was time to look forward and start again with a new dog…
Because of my love for male dogs, I spend a lot of time  searching for a suitable dog for me.
In March 2005 I’ve got the oppurtunity to get a dog from Victoria Ahlstroms kennel Joystep’s. I felt in love with her and Minna’s Fanta (Ch.Joystep’s May Flower) she has not only the  good looks and health, but she loves to work, so she is a smart dog also! She was mated to Uno ( Hollygold Aprilstorm). I went to Finland and came back with Otto, Joystep’s Rainstorm. He is such a great dog, healthy, enthusiastic and full of energy. He remains me so much of Lesley, I never thought we would find a dog like her again. But Otto is just wonderful! At his first show he won the Juniorclass and got the very first Junior CC in Holland!! He got many placings in the Juniorclasses! While he was getting mature, I start hunting training with him and he was doing great, he learns very easy and loves doing things with me. He took the first place at the exams, we make a great team together! He died at the age of almost 15 years!


I had only one wish left, a little boy from Fanta again..
Minna, Fanta’s owner bred the last litter in March 2009. I’ve got the oppertunity again to get a dog from the litter from Fanta and Waldo (Ch.Fairfield Fireminstrel).
So I went to Finland again… And there he was, Woezel, Sketching Front Page News. A cute little man, being the best compagnion for Dries from the first moment on!! So we took him to Holland and he grows up like a real gentleman! He went best puppy at the KNJVpuppy (hunting) training and went best BOS puppy at the Winnershow in Amsterdam!! So he made a great start!! He did great at shows, but sadly he appeared affected with ICT. It was so unexpected, because he shows no signs at all!  In 2013 he found a lovely new home with Rolf and Susan and their little girl Zoe and son Ryan! He has a great life there, though it was a hard decission to make! But he lives nearby and we see him a lot!! He died at the age of 15,5 in the summer of 2024.

In February 2010, we had to say goodbye to our beloved Ginger, she was 13,5 years and such a lovely old lady. But we had to let her go, she deserved a worthy end, so we gave it to her, there was nothing left to say, we had a wonderful life together!!
At the end of 2013 Anita Creemers and her husband Rob, gave us a new start! Our Sientje, P’zzazz Ylva Pennysdottir!!
We are so thankful for giving Sientje to us, she is such a lovely girl, best friend to our sons, our Rabbit and cat Bullet!!
At her first show she became best puppy bitch and best puppy in show at the Championship Show of the Golden Retrieverclub Holland 2014!! Just the same Ginger did the year 1997! Sientje died at the age of 8,5 because of a not familar agressive cancer.
In 2014, I also gained my KK2 certificate!! Very proud of!!
In 2015 I followed the training Exterior and Kinetics, because of my pregnancy I hope to pass my exam later on…
I also try to get my knowledge up to date, getting to lectures, trainings and read a lot about the latest opinions.
In the summer of 2017 we wnet to Sweden to pick up our first Welsh Springet Spaniel Onyx, Wallova’s Interpol!
We had a great adventure together, but we decided he would fit in better with Jenny and Robert in Sweden…
After years of studdogs, finally in December 2018, our longwaited litter from Sientje was born. It was a AI with Ch.Clearing pond’s David Beckham.
We kept a little lady, called Kaatje, Gaia Atalantè Great New Beginning !
In December 2019 Otto died after almost 15 beautiful years with us, I am so thankful he came in my life!
November 2020 gave us eight puppies from Kaatje and Pablo, we kept Gaia Atalantè Guinevieve, Kato.
Such an easy and outgoing lady!  She had her first litter in May 2024.
In June 2022 our girl Sientje died way to early, she was the sweetest dog ever! She was the new beginning of our kennel. December 2023 gave us seven puppies from Kaatje and Gambler. We kept Gaia Atalantè Actum, Fientje. She is the last daughter from Kaatje, because Kaatje doesn’t enjoy her role as a mum. So we decided not to mate her again and give her a happy life as a wonderful compagnion with Hans and his family!
July 2024 we picked up our new girl in France at Marina Oliva her place, Catch the Dream Victoria’s Secret, Abbey.  She is such a sweetie, we hope she will have a bright future!
So for now we are enjoying our life with three ladies, all personalities in their own way!
A special place on this page for  Gaia Atalantè Silent Night, Yan, son from our Sientje and Dex, he is my first homebred Champion!! He is owned and loved by Desiree en Marianne http://www.dcphoto.nl   They make a great team together, with shows in the great results they achieve!! 

Our dogs are an important part of our family. We do the best we can, to give them the life they deserve, not loosing sight that they are dogs and from that point of view we want them to live their life!!       

                                                                                  me as a little girl, grooming and walking the policedog