
   Gaia Atalantè Actum




born   03-12-2022


ED vrij

Eyes clear



Fientje 5 months, second in babyclass



Dunehills Kind of Magic Ch.Captain Finn at Steval Ch.Steval Mickey Finn at Ivycrest
Princess of the Universe
Daily Rays Midnight Queen Ch.Lorinford Harlequin
Lorinford Hesperides
Gaia Atalantè Great New Beginning Ch.Clearing Pond’s David Beckham Ch.Fairfield Firefoxtrot
Clearing Pond’s Attractive Lady
P’ZAZZ Ylva Pennysdóttir Jako’s Must Have
Golden Inez Hot Song



Fientje is our second daughter of Kaatje’s last litter.

She reminds me a lot of Sientje, her grandmother.

She is a very sweet, smart and happy girl.

Hope she will have a bright future!